Reduction of rent or instalment (residential leases only)
This application does not require payment of an application fee.
Application for reduction or instalment only applies to leases. It does not apply if you hold a licence or permit.
If we refused an earlier application and the reasons for the refusal have not changed, your application may not be considered.
The content on this page may help you decide if this application form applies to you and your needs. It will also help guide you through the application process. For detailed information and to ensure you complete the correct application form, we encourage you to arrange a pre-lodgement meeting and refer to the Land Act 1994. Contact your nearest business centre to arrange a meeting.
Use the button at the base of the page to acknowledge you have understood and this will allow you to access the application form.
To be eligible for the reduction you must:
use the lease as your principal place of residence
be suffering hardship and
meet 1 of the following criteria:
hold, or be entitled to hold, a Commonwealth concession card; or
the annual rent or instalment payable under the lease is a significant proportion of your taxable income.
Term and perpetual leases
If you are suffering hardship, you may be eligible to have your rent reduced. You can apply for a hardship concession at any time during the term of the lease.
Note: The reduction only applies for the current rental billing period for a lease that is only used as a leaseholder’s principal place of residence. If you transfer the lease, the hardship concession stops from the day the transfer is registered.
If you are suffering hardship, you may be eligible to have your instalment reduced. The reduction can only occur on certain freeholding leases. To find out if your freeholding lease qualifies for assistance, contact the nearest business centre.
Reductions in instalments do not reduce the overall purchase price of a freeholding lease. If you transfer the freeholding lease, the balance of the reduced instalments will need to be paid prior to lodging the transfer.
You can apply either:
by printing and completing our PDF application form.
Online applications
To submit your online application, you’ll need:
a copy of your current Commonwealth concession card if you hold one
evidence of your taxable income (e.g. Centerlink Payment Summary, Centrelink Income and Asset Statement, income tax assessment notice).
You, or a legal practitioner on your behalf, must electronically sign the application. It will then automatically be lodged through the online process.
Within the online application, there is a help guide to assist you to complete your application.
PDF applications
To submit your PDF application, you’ll need:
Reduction of rent or instalment (residential leases only) (PDF) application form
Contact and land details (online or PDF) application form
a copy of your current Commonwealth concession card if you hold one
evidence of your taxable income (e.g. Centerlink Payment Summary, Centrelink Income and Asset Statement, income tax assessment notice).
Once completed, submit your PDF application forms by:
post to Department of Resources, PO Box 5318, Townsville QLD 4810.
Where can I get my Centrelink Income and Asset Statement and Payment Summary?
You can obtain a copy of this Centrelink information from:
Express Plus Centrelink Mobile App
Centrelink Online Account
Centrelink Phone Self Service
Telephone: 132300
This application does not require payment of an application fee.
We will assess your application against legislative requirements. We will seek the views of other stakeholders (e.g. state, regional and local agencies) and inspect the land if required.
Once we have assessed the application, we will send you a written notice. If your application is approved, the notice will state the period for which the reduction applies.
If you transfer the lease, the hardship concession stops from the day the transfer is registered.
Information on this form, and any attachments, is being collected to process and assess your application under section 41 of the Land Regulation 2020. If required, we may need to consult with third parties such as relevant local or state agencies and adjoining property owners. Details provided to third parties will generally be limited to type of application, area applied for and intended use. Your personal information will not otherwise be disclosed unless authorised or required by law.
We may wish to contact you to seek your views on our service, to advise you of any legislative changes that might affect you, or to seek your participation in surveys or programs relevant to your application type. Any participation will be voluntary, and you may email if you do not wish for the department to contact you.
We may also compile or analyse statistics and conduct research. Any publication of findings will not involve the publication of identifying personal information.
In terms of the Right to Information Act 2009interested parties may seek access to the department’s records and view relevant documents.